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Monday, August 8, 2011

Finally! An update from Orion Forge, Bend OR source of all things blacksmith

It's been way too long since we last updated this little ol' blacksmith blog, but thankfully it's not because Orion Forge has been out of work. If anything, it's the opposite! Lots of blacksmith lessons, furniture building and a current custom wrought iron staircase project has us busy busy. Don't worry, we've been taking our share of vacation and play is summer after all!

In any event, below are some recent pics from around the shop, blacksmith lessons and recent iron work coming out of Orion Forge. The blacksmith lessons have been especially fun and rewarding as people are discovering the joy and challenge of working with metal, an ancient art.

Young boy taking a blacksmith class in Bend, OR
Silas watching his dad Kellen forge a wizard head at one of the dinner forge parties.

Metal flowers forged at Orion Forge in Bend Oregon
Forged flowers and stems.

Blacksmith student taking metal smith lessons at Orion Forge
Student Dwight hammering away at a recent one day class.

Metal art for 1000 Friends of Oregon created by Orion Forge blacksmith
Latest wall sculpture 24" x 17"- the blue painted steel was an old snow shovel.

We'll be better about posting more photos in the future, especially as more lessons happen. If you're interested in learning more about the blacksmith lessons, check out the post below or contact Orion Forge. We'd love to chat about any metal projects you may have!


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